Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Thank you Vets

My grandfather had two grandfathers who fought in the Civil War, one on each side.  He also had 
three sons who served in the military, one even made a career of it. Two of my grandfather’s sons-in-
law served in the military. My father served in WWII along with his brother and a brother-in-law 
who made the ultimate sacrifice. My brothers served and one retired from active duty. At the present 
my son is a career military man. My husband and his brothers served in the 
From “The Civil War” through World War I & II, Korea up to the present conflicts in the Middle
 East, the men in my family have proudly served and otherwise supported the military. All I can do is
 say “Thank You.” Often the men who serve in combat do not talk about the action they have seen
 but we can glen what is happening by the letters they write.  
One letter said the writer was suing because he developed pile from riding a green broke mule. Now
 this was 150 years ago. A more recent letter requested soft toilet tissue, rat traps and plastic 
containers for food storage. Do you get the idea of what is occurring? Letters tell of missing family
 and can’t wait to get home thoughts. What is more telling is what is not said!                              

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