Sunday, May 5, 2019

Living My Life Out of a Suitcase

I bought the only thing I could afford when I purchased the case; it is a Brocade number that is still going after several decades. Though small in size, it was just
what I needed.
Over the years I have learned something about packing. I put pants down, shirt
on top and underwear in the center and roll. Shoes go around the outside and
pajamas on top.
Read someone the other day who said when she travels, she puts half her clothes
in her husband suitcase and half of his in hers. DUH that makes sense if you fly.
I have two big suitcases and a small one. Each night I load up the small case and
 take it in.
I always leave a few things in the small case like tooth brushes, deodorant,
 lotion and shampoo.
Want to time me and see how fast I can pack? Now that I have it down
 to a science, after my shower, I count up how many days I am to be gone
and as I put an article on, I lay out the predetermined number of days, roll
them up and put them in the suitcase.
I had a suitcase that had a carry-on that fitted over the handle.
The carry-on had a wide band across the back that fit over the handle
when it was pulled up. Somewhere I let the carry-on get away from me.
I get what I need, even if I have to wait until I can afford it.

Price has little to do with need.